Seller Policy Pages


Sellers must  Provide accurate information on DOUBLETE also about your business to provide to customers when needed

Every seller must obey the following policies listed on DOUBLETE,Sellers unlawful content might result to suspension of your Doublete account.

-Sellers must Provide accurate information to Doublete also to customers at all times 

-To ensure a safe buying and selling experience,all sellers  requires to act fairly and honesty on Doublete's features or services

-Ratings or listings Sellers must not attempt to damage or abuse another Seller

-Sellers must Not engage in conduct that violates price fixing laws

-Sellers must Not operate more than one selling account on Doublete

-Sellers should not  clever trick the Doublete sales process or divert Doublete customers to another website or  complete a transaction elsewhere

-Sellers should contact customers only through Buyer-Seller Messaging(chat)

-Sellers should not attempt to influence customers’ reviews,feedback & rating

-Sellers must not send what customers didn't request,sellers when you receive customer information like phone numbers or addresses to to fulfill customers orders,sellers will only use that information only to fulfill orders and must delete it after the order has been delivered or try to share it with any third-party